Quote of the moment

"I really can't deny it, I am who I am. I'm pretty normal. I'm not that smooth type of girl. I run into things, I trip, I spill food. I say stupid things...I really don't have it all together."

~Katie Holmes

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pony 'O Holder with Streamers

I made this post way back in October of last year but I was never happy with it. Whenever I opened the post the formatting was way off. After some trial and error, mainly error I'm ready to post this again. So here goes...

Here lately I have been obsessed with bow making. I started looking at all the cute bows in boutiques and thought I could do that. After a little research online (not to mention several burned fingers from hot glue) I have developed a few styles that work with my daughter's hair type. One of my favorites is pony o's with streamers, they are so easy and simply to make. I get so many comments from these simple bows when we go out. As I started making bows tonight, late at night as you can tell by my pictures, I thought I would share the process of how I make them. This isn't my original idea I got it from this website. It's full of creative tutorials and all free.

The first thing you need to do is gather your supplies.
8 - 10 ribbons I chose sheer, grosgrain and satin ribbons in various widths. Mine are 1/4 to 1 inch.

Tape measure
Needle and thread
Hot glue
Pony 'O
Lighter, Fray check or some other method to seal ends of ribbon. (I personally rather use clear finger nail polish.)

The next step is to cut ribbons to desired length, I chose 10 inches. The ribbons hang down 5 inches on each side of bow. As you are cutting the ribbons leave one ribbon an inch longer than the others this is attaching to pony 'o. I found a narrow ribbon works best for this. I didn't take a picture of this step, just measure and cut pretty simple.
After all the ribbons are cut it's time to seal the ends. Again, I personally like clear nail polish. It's a personal preference of what works best for you. I heard some people use a wood burning tool to cut and seal the ribbon at the same time.

Next layout the ribbons in the order you want them, this isn't that important once you attach the ribbons they all squish together.

I tried skipping the next step and the ribbons just fell out. I did omit gluing the ribbons to each other as the original tutorial stated. I had too hard of time getting the ribbon to go through the glue, I probably just used too much. I really like glue!

Thread the needle and weave it through the ribbons all except the longer one. Do not stack them the process is more like making one wide ribbon. After you have the ribbons weaved wrap the thread several times around the ribbons and pony 'o. Tie the thread attaching the ribbons and pony 'o, I put a drop of hot glue on the knot to make sure it doesn't come undone.

Here is where the longer ribbon comes into action. I tie it around the thread to cover it and add durability. It's hard to see in this picture but the lavender ribbon is tied around the pony 'o and bundle of ribbons. You could even add extras at this point like flowers or buttons.

Here is my cute not so willing model wearing it. She was too busy playing with play dough to take a good picture.

The above picture is her Halloween bow. I have made several so far. Why not they are so cute and easy? Look at these to get some ideas, you could match an outfit or holiday.

I also made a shorter matching pair, these are cute on "puppy dog ears." My daughter calls these her rainbow bows.

Are you ready to make some pony 'o with streamers yet? Don't forget to check out stores for 50% off ribbons, Hobby Lobby usually has theirs on sale.

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