Quote of the moment

"I really can't deny it, I am who I am. I'm pretty normal. I'm not that smooth type of girl. I run into things, I trip, I spill food. I say stupid things...I really don't have it all together."

~Katie Holmes

Friday, January 7, 2011

Fairy plaques

I was recently at the Dollar Tree and found these cute wall stickers that I just had to use in my daughter's room.

Now came the next question, how to use them. I could of just stuck them on the wall and they would have been cute. I wanted to do something different, besides the last time I tried just putting stickers on her wall they lasted about a day before she pulled them off.

I had three 5x7 wood plaques that I purchased from Wal-Mart for a project I never completed. Sound familiar? Never finished projects.
Don't look at my nails, I was painting with black earlier in the day.

I had already painted them white, that would have been OK but I wanted something brighter that would add color.

These are the colors my daughter finally settled on after about 20 minutes of debating. Warning there is a difference in the final project.

The process itself was very simple. I just painted the plaques with the colors she chose, they were a little too bright for her room so I mixed a little mixing medium and white together with the paint color. The final look resembles a water color. I really like it.

Next I positioned the stickers in the location I wanted, pressing down to remove all air bubbles. Have you noticed the color change yet from what she originally wanted? Girls, go figure we can't make up our minds.

My daughter had to pose with her favorite.

I can't explain the hair!! This is how both of us look first thing in the morning. Curly hair, gotta love it?
I could have stopped right there and they would have been fine but I went a step further. I chose a sealant to spray over the plaque for added durability, hopefully this will deter little fingers.

I made a spray booth out of an old box, it worked great. I read the idea somewhere I just can't remember where. Thanks for the idea...

After looking at a couple of ways to hang the plaques I chose to simply hot glue a cute ribbon to the back. The plaques are very light so the ribbon is plenty of support. I forgot to take a picture of this step, pretty simple cut ribbon to desired length, put glob of glue on top two corners of plaque and press ribbon in glue; don't burn fingers.

This is how they look hanging on my daughter's wall.

There were a few extra flowers and stuff so I just placed those around the plaques.

I had one extra fairy, want to know I did with it? You will just have to wait. I will say that it's cute and storage at the same time.

What ideas have you tried with stickers?

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